Look into "commisssions on global governance" and the released book "our global neighborhood".
Also check out related 1992 agenda 21 report.
Look into "commisssions on global governance" and the released book "our global neighborhood".
Also check out related 1992 agenda 21 report.
Time mag, "obamas world" by top cfr fareed zakaria
Disneyworld®, department of defense, laboratory
What if congress is like a drunk, and we sit back and let them drink over and over?
Who wants to take them to aa? Sign up at rootstrikers.org
Who is to blame, the drunk or you?
Too little government
Too much government
Republic lost, book
Government baillouts
90% financial instruments before 1980 traded in public
90% as of 2008 were traded off market, I.e. derrivatives, cdo, mers
Does this guy look like steve jobs, with his black shirt?
Money buys results in congress
12% believes in congress, more than that believed in the british crown in 1775.
This leads to complacancy in voting, corporations will still have too much power.
Republic, representative democracy, dependent on the people.
Now, dependent on the funders.
Congress now is more concerned and adjusting their view, based on fund raising for elections.
We need to find a way to fund campaigns with small dollar contributions.
Politcal movement to bring about change, rootstrikers.
Amendment or convention?
Need to build apolitics in a different way.
Sovereign movement?
Occupy Seattle website, cool?
Stick to your principles, but join together and find the common ground and focus to connect the dots, that frustrate all of us.
Root cause? I put forward this is the international banking cartels, causing our financial difficulties, in the biggest heist on the planet.
Arnold Hyatt and Clinton story...
Who the hell cares what they ate? We can do better. I am going to sourse all these ingredients, and will be cooking a feast for our family way less than this.
When we worry about our leqders, and forget they are really our representatives, we've lost it. Wait...aren't they supposed to remember why they are in office?
When it comes to our safety we can always use an extra pair of eyes. Look around. Be aware. If something does not look right, let us know. -- transitwatch
See something, say something. -- dhs
Wal mart tv dhs commercials
Cameras in your neighborhood?
Viper teams at amtrack
Viper teams on the highway
"Sobriety" checkpoints, which bring in more revenue for simple violations.
What have we come to?
Don't comply
Non violent resistence
Spend your dollar against the establishment
Move your money to local, family run banks and credit unions.
Investigate the federal reserve
Just what we need, more money leaking into the economy.
Foreign currency credit defualt swaps
Naomi prinz
Indefinite detention
goldman sachs whisleblower.
Google terms, find answers, teach others, communicate, protest
If your friends don't own books, buy them some.
"Minds like machines". Technocrats + blog
Technocracy, autocracy, central banks, independent agencies.
Club of rome 1974
Global warming
Global financial crisis
Global war on terror
Global government, global governance
Agenda 21
"Impact of science on society". Black death...world too full...what if... huh?
Produce beliefs...that the establishment considered accceptable.
Reference h.g. wells, "the shape of things to come".
Wtf? Usgn in small towns, missouri. Balistic side panels for helicopters and more.
What is it about? Search lawrence lessig, citizen united
, rootstrikers.org, republic lost and follow related links. Information on fix congress first?